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 California Zoroastrian Center

Zoroastrian Year 3761

CZC Membership

All Regular members are required to pay an annual membership fee in order to maintain benefits and voting privileges. If annual membership dues are not received before April 15 th of each year, the membership will be lapsed resulting in discontinuity effecting voting and election privileges.

Membership privileges cannot be backdated and will be effective from the date dues are received till end of the calendar year . Dues and initiation fees are set from time to time by the BOD and are subject to change.

Current & Renewing Members Login Here:

Click here to Login

NOTE: to enroll in Auto-renew, click the "Change" link as described in the screenshot below after logging in, or alternatively send an email to requesting to enroll in Auto-renew.

New Members look here

  • CZC accepts members only from Zoroastrians of 18 years of age or older who reside in the United States
  • Application fee is not refundable, but is applied toward membership if membership is approved.
  • Membership privileges cannot be backdated and will be effective from the date dues are received till end of the calendar year.
  • Membership, along with its rights and privileges, is not transferable.

* If you are already a member, First login using your email and password. 

New Member Application - $33.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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